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Reading Comprehension is vital in Content Areas


Habitats & Endangered Species Lesson Plan
Vocabulary & Writing Prompts

Sea Turtle

Example:  Habitat Lesson Plan
with Vocabulary

SUBJECT MATTER CONTENT: Science-Endangered Species and Their Habitats
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE(S): In this lesson, students will explore endangered species, their habitats, and determine how some species become endangered.
Students will understand that living things have five basic needs (air, water, food, shelter and sunlight). Students will begin to understand that humans can impact species survival both negatively and positively.
• Statistics
MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY THE TEACHER: ELMO for directed instruction and guided practice example, Computer with access to internet-youtube, power point, STEM notebook #5 packet for formative assessment, vocabulary card, whiteboard for lecture questions, graphic organizers for lecture questions, What’s a habitat DIY book, animal pages, article
MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY THE STUDENT: lined paper and pencil for closing activity, color pencils, markers, crayons, blank paper
LAFS.1.RI.1.1 (Students will) Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
LAFS.1.RI.1.2 (Students will) Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
LAFS.1.RI.1.7 (Students will) Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key details
LAFS.1.W.1.2 (Students will) Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.
SC.1.L.14.1 Make observations of living things and their environment using the five senses.
SC.1.L.17.1 Through observation, recognize that all plants and animals, including humans, need the basic necessities of air, water, food, and space.

ANTICIPATORY SET: Students will complete a multimedia Key Vocabulary and Habitat game.

Students will review last lessons material through their own book of What’s a habitat.

After, we will take a closer look at the Sea Otter Facts article from
complete a writing piece together with their partner(s) after instruction and example
through ELMO.

Students will introduce his/her animal and identify habitat as well as list
basic needs.

Students will describe one reason his/her species is endangered.
Students will determine one thing people can do to help your endangered species.
Students will illustrate his or her animal in its habitat.
QUESTIONS: Questions will be presented through direct instruction lecture under directed instruction.

The questions presented will include inference, evaluation, and other higher order thinking in real time.
• Provide vocabulary words with definition
• Provide opportunity for the student to take test/re-test individually with a teacher and/or test in sections/chunks
• Allow editing and revision before grading

Multimedia Presentations
youtube Will You Miss The Animals When They Are Gone? 5:10
youtube Needs of Living Things-A Fun Video for Preschoolers 3:02


Lecture Questions
Set #1-Lecture after 1st video
Evaluation Do some living things become extinct? Why?
How do humans impact a species survival?
Set #2-Lecture after 2nd video
Where can we get our basic needs from?
Inference Predict what will happen when all 5 basic needs are not met?


FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Students will individually complete the STEM notebook
#5 packet provided.
CLOSING: Summary of endangered species using at least three vocabulary words.


GUIDED PRACTICES AND/OR INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE:  Students will be able to complete a writing piece together with their partner(s) after instruction and example through ELMO.  Students will introduce his/her animal and identify habitat as well as list basic needs.  Students will describe one reason his/her species is endangered.  Students will determine one thing people can do to help your endangered species.  Students will illustrate his or her animal in its habitat.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT:  Students will individually complete the STEM notebook #5 packet provided.

STEM Notebook Entry #5:
As you prepare for the “Endearing Endangered Species” investigation, ask students: What are the basic needs of all living things? (e.g. air, water, food, shelter [habitat], and sunlight)

• Students will document their ideas in their STEM Notebooks through words and pictures.


Group students in teams of four for the Endearing Endangered Species activity.

At each table, there will be 25 index cards labeled “food,” 25 index cards labeled “water,” and 25 index cards labeled “shelter/habitat,” 25 index cards labeled “air,” and 25 index cards labeled “sunlight.” These cards should be shuffled together.

Direct students to:

    • Have a student from each team pull eight cards from the deck.

    • If that student has cards that read “food,” “water,” “shelter/habitat,” “air” and

      “sunlight” they can remain standing. If they do not have a card with each label, they must sit (there basic needs have not been met so they are now endangered).

  • Put the cards that have been pulled into a separate pile not to be used again.

  • Have the second person from each table repeat.

  • Continue until there is only one person left standing at each table (when the card pile is

    depleted, have students reshuffle the cards to renew the draw pile). After students have completed several rounds of the activity, ask students:

  • What happens when all five basic needs are not met?

  • Why is it important for all living things to have these basic needs met at all times?

  • Why do some living things become extinct?


CLOSING: Summary of endangered species using at least three vocabulary words.

  • Conservation-is to protect or restore something, such as plants or animals, in the natural environment

  • Endangered Species-a plant or animal that is at risk of becoming extinct

  • Extinct-when there is no longer a type of plant or animal left on earth

  • Habitat-is a place in nature where plants, animals, and people grow and live







Index Card Game

Group students in teams of four for the Endearing Endangered Species activity.

At each table, there will be 25 index cards labeled “food,” 25 index cards labeled “water,” and 25 index cards labeled “shelter/habitat,” 25 index cards labeled “air,” and 25 index cards labeled “sunlight.” These cards should be shuffled together.

Direct students to:

    • Have a student from each team pull eight cards from the deck.

    • If that student has cards that read “food,” “water,” “shelter/habitat,” “air” and
      “sunlight” they can remain standing. If they do not have a card with each label, they must sit (there basic needs have not been met so they are now endangered).

  • Put the cards that have been pulled into a separate pile not to be used again.

  • Have the second person from each table repeat.

  • Continue until there is only one person left standing at each table (when the card pile is
    depleted, have students reshuffle the cards to renew the draw pile). After students have completed several rounds of the activity, ask students:

  • What happens when all five basic needs are not met?

  • Why is it important for all living things to have these basic needs met at all times?

  • Why do some living things become extinct?



This will eventually be a word wall for our theme:  Ocean.  This will be used in vocabulary match to match name to sea creature/item as large group game in teams.  This also will be used to draw out student knowledge and understanding of our oceans.  

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